About us

We do things differently…

Here’s a snapshot of how much research we do... in 2023 alone.


Research papers read


Delving into tech stacks


Time spent on research


Companies mapped

Our story

Pioneering a new way of seed investing

We are a venture fund that’s built like a startup and we’re trying to chart a new course in seed-and pre-seed-stage investing.

Founded in 2021, Leonis Capital was born from the vision that AI is a supercycle technology that would power the next industrial revolution. We realized the immense potential of technological breakthroughs and made it our mission to back the new generation of AI-first companies.

From day one, we’ve believed in a thesis-driven approach to investing and resisted the spray-and-pray style that unfortunately characterizes many early-stage investors.

Along the way, we have come to realize the massive perceptive gap between the world of cutting-edge research and venture capital -- it would take years, if not decades for VCs to realize a trend that’s been developing in research circles. But it is these trends that ultimately shape the face of technology startups.

We decided to pioneer a research-driven approach to investing in early-stage AI companies. This means investing a lot of time and energy in understanding the fundamental technological trends and their commercial applications.

To us, “research” does not only mean technical research, but also research on markets, customers, and macro economic trends. This is why we built a multidisciplinary team with backgrounds spanning investing, operating, and technical research.

Doing research at the early-stage is hard, especially when there is so little information about the market and the companies. But here are some things that we do to help us identify new opportunities:

  • Reading state-of-the-art research papers.

  • Building test projects with the newest models and developer tools.

  • Collaborating with domain experts to map out AI applications in specific verticals.

Today, more than 80% of our investments are driven by our research. Our research efforts have also helped us accumulate deep domain expertise that benefit our portfolio companies and the Leonis ecosystem.

  • From our founders

    Leonis was one of our earliest believers and made a meaningful difference on our trajectory.

    Harry Qi

    Founder & CEO, Motion

  • From our founders

    Leonis has been a great investor and friend from the early days of MaintainX. They have always provided us with researched insight.

    Chris Turlica

    Founder & CEO, MaintainX

  • From our founders

    Jay and Jenny have been exceptionally helpful since joining. Their network is also vast and incredibly relevant for deep-tech and infra companies like ours.

    Daniel Lenton

    Founder & CEO, Unify

  • From our founders

    Leonis was one of our earliest believers and made a meaningful difference on our trajectory.

    Harry Qi

    Founder & CEO, Motion

  • From our founders

    Leonis has been a great investor and friend from the early days of MaintainX. They have always provided us with researched insight.

    Chris Turlica

    Founder & CEO, MaintainX

  • From our founders

    Jay and Jenny have been exceptionally helpful since joining. Their network is also vast and incredibly relevant for deep-tech and infra companies like ours.

    Daniel Lenton

    Founder & CEO, Unify

Leonis [leōnis]: Latin for “Lion Strength”. Alpha Leonis is one of the brightest and most enduring stars in the Leo star constellation.

© 2023 Leonis Capital. All rights reserved.

Leonis [leōnis]: Latin for “Lion Strength”. Alpha Leonis is one of the brightest and most enduring stars in the Leo star constellation.

© 2023 Leonis Capital. All rights reserved.

Leonis [leōnis]: Latin for “Lion Strength”. Alpha Leonis is one of the brightest and most enduring stars in the Leo star constellation.

© 2023 Leonis Capital. All rights reserved.